“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” – 1 Peter 4:10

We all have talents, abilities, and gifts that are unique to us. Things we’re naturally good at, or skills and knowledge we’ve developed over time. But these gifts weren’t given to us just for our own benefit. As Peter instructs in his epistle, we’re called to use our gifts to serve others and be good stewards of God’s grace. Read more

Let’s face it, life is a marathon, not a sprint. And just like any long-distance race, navigating our careers can be grueling and filled with unexpected twists and turns. But unlike a traditional marathon, there’s no set finish line for finding your dream career. It’s more like an ultramarathon, a journey of self-discovery fueled by one powerful force: passion. Read more

Life, they say, is a smorgasbord of possibilities. Careers are kaleidoscopes of choices, stretching before us like an endless buffet of paths. Yet, amidst this abundance, a gnawing question often arises: What is my passion?” Finding it feels like discovering a hidden treasure map, leading us to a life lived with purpose, filled with fulfillment and the elusive spark of joy. But why is finding your passion so important? And how do we navigate the labyrinth of self-discovery in a world where possibilities seem to multiply by the day? Read more

Imagine a world where your skin color, your faith, your sexual orientation, or your accent weren’t triggers for judgment or mistrust. A world where differences weren’t battle lines, but threads woven into a vibrant tapestry of humanity. Sadly, the world we live in often falls short of this utopian vision. Prejudice, like a noxious weed, chokes the soil of understanding and sprouts suspicion, discrimination, and even violence. But where does this weed take root? Is it sown into our very being, a poisonous inheritance passed down through generations? Or is it something we cultivate unknowingly, nourished by the biases and narratives that surround us? Read more

We’ve all experienced that jolt of awe when encountering someone who embodies an ideal we aspire towards. It could be watching an entrepreneur confidently pitch inventive ideas to potential investors. Or witnessing a seasoned yoga instructor demonstrate impossibly advanced poses with grace and flexibility. Or running into a neighbor who gushes about the non-profit they started to provide clean water access globally. Read more

Dealing with and moving past a relationship with a narcissistic parent or partner can be an arduous journey, marked by emotional turmoil and self-discovery. Recognizing the toxic dynamics, understanding the impact on your well-being, and forging a path toward healing are crucial steps in reclaiming your life. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the traits of narcissistic individuals, the effects of such relationships, and practical strategies for moving forward on the path to recovery. Read more

Life today moves fast, throwing constant demands for productivity and ceaseless digital connection at us. Our devices promise the world conveniently at fingertips – until expectations of perpetual availability exhaust soul and sanity. Burnout has become a debilitating epidemic. How do we tap into deeper sources of meaning when daily busyness threatens to overwhelm? This article offers 5 essential steps for taming hurry sickness to realign with lasting truth, passion and purpose beneath the frenzy. Rediscover spaciousness and joy within reach.

The Plight of Burnout

If you constantly collapse into bed drained yet scrolling rather than refreshed from time off, you’ve likely fallen prey to burnout. Overstimulation is often the culprit – whether from chaotic workplace politics or kids’ packed schedules or a 24/7 news cycle. Input unceasing, we struggle adjusting output dials in balanced proportion.

But even seemingly positive ventures like passion projects on top of full-time jobs can smother us when we disregard body and spirit signals pleading for rest. Our narrow focus propelling output often misses the costs incurred. So how do we recognize rising resentment before fizzling out?

Common Burnout Signals:

  • Chronic exhaustion yet inability to rest properly
  • Cynicism, irritability and detachment from relationships
  • Frequent stress headaches, stomach issues, muscle tension from anxiety
  • Feeling like you can never catch up no matter how hard you work
  • Lack of interest/joy with former hobbies
  • Substance overuse numbing emotions and pain

If these resonate, your nervous system is likely sounding distress calls. Are we listening? Just because willpower can override exhaustion for periods doesn’t render it limitless. Letting depletion progress courts health risks and inspires more extreme measures for relief. Before deepening burnout with pushing, try easing up through slowing down.

The 5-Step Path Back to Balance

Recalibrate Expectations

Radically honest evaluation of current work and life balance must come first. Track typical hours devoted to: self-care, family, work, friends and passive consumption (binge shows, scrolling feeds). What gets neglected? Any obvious imbalances? Do you struggle upholding healthy boundaries around professional availability?

Getting clear on patterns informs appropriate shifts easing unsustainable pressure. Small tweaks make big impacts, like instituting designated work-free weekends. Experiment adjusting start times, blocking focus hours or taking hourly movement breaks. Lovingly release assumptions that more hustle directly translates into self-worth. Progress over perfection serves soul and sanity.

Set Better Boundaries

Burnout convinces no one will respect scaled-back ambitions or communicative needs. But the right people will understand, and your health can’t hinge on other’s validation anyway. Start asserting personal policies aligning actions with honored values.

Send that late-night work email scheduling delivery for the next morning instead. Disable distracting alerts during family dinners. Block time for focused work sessions without multi-tasking. Let calls go to voicemail when you need think space.

Communicate availability windows to colleagues. Gradually say no to optional obligations when schedule overwhelms. You teach people how to treat your time and energy by demonstrating boundaries unapologetically. The more you claim space to refuel, the less you’ll deplete and need recovery time.

Tend Your Nervous System

Forward motion halts without proper nervous system care. Carve out daily downtime for rejuvenative rituals like these:

  • 5 minutes meditating
  • Solo morning pages journaling
  • Evening news fasts
  • Limiting social media to one hour
  • Weekday evening device-free dinner hours
  • Weekend digital detoxes

Don’t let guilt sabotage self-care. Remind yourself this fuels, not impedes, your performance. Switch off auto-pilot by tuning into your five senses throughout each day. Treasure emerging silence as you increasingly unhook from input overload.

Nourish Your Body

Stress manifests physically when we disregard biological needs. Return focus to nutrition density in foods, ample hydration and movement that energizes. Don’t let busyness justify poor sleep habits either. Regularity allows needed recovery, repair and mental reset each night.

Remove inflammatory triggers from diet and environment while incorporating more Omega-rich foods and renewing routines like intermittent fasting. Help your body help you by adopting sustainable fueling strategies. You can’t run on empty and cannot burn candle from both ends forever.

Connect to Purpose

Losing sight of passion and meaning behind the work breeds joyless exhaustion. But when someone connects deeply to purpose in professional and personal pursuits, energy flows steadily. To unlock this self-sustaining current first requires stillness though. Carve out receptive space for inner wisdom to emerge.

What original enthusiasms drew you to this field? How might you realign current roles to tap into that? Other clarifying questions:

  • Who needs this work out in the world?
  • How does this contribute to my vision for life?
  • What parts feel most in flow?
  • Where does this drain me unnecessarily?

As priorities crystallize, release that which no longer propels you. Repeatedly refocusing on your “why” behind the “what” makes space for inspiration once clouded by strain. You live with renewed sense of meaning, liberation and direction.

The Journey Back from Burnout

We all absorb cultural messaging glorifying insane schedules, rapid responses and grind-till-you-drop mentalities. But nothing mandates accepting productivity’s soul-crushing downsides. Check in frequently about whether ambitions still fuel or drain you. Your purpose and peace depend on willing examination and adjustment as needed.

Returning from burnout requires relinquishing internalized demand for more, now, faster that drives so many into the ground. Through purposefully calming input, powering down occasionally, tuning into needs and remembering intrinsic motivations behind work, you reclaim sanity and satisfaction. You deserve nothing less.

We’ve all been at a concert when the musical artist on stage commands less attention than the device screens glowing throughout the arena. Heads remain angled down, scrolling and posting rather than tuning into the live entertainment happening a few feet away.

The ubiquity of technology undeniably connects and conveniences our modern lives. Yet increased distraction pulls our minds perpetually elsewhere, often toward the superficial. We end up forfeiting meaningful experiences for shallow digital consumption. Presence and connection suffer our devices’ parasitic bargain.

Of course screens themselves don’t shoulder full blame for hijacked human interaction. But designing intentional space away from electronics proves increasingly essential if we hope to balance high-speed input with stillness. Let’s examine technology’s trojan horse impact and how establishing tech-free zones may bolster mental health while summoning back vanished joys of unplugged living.

The Magnetic Pull of Devices

Walk the busy streets of any city or glance at any cafe tabletop to witness technology’s infiltration of every setting and second spared. Smartphones in hand, the majority of people automatically reach to verify notifications or scroll newsfeeds whenever mental space permits.

Americans unlock their phone over 200 times per day on average — no doubt contributing to rising anxiety nationwide. When external stimuli is always a screen tap away, stillness gets scarce. 86% fidget with phones at stoplights, 71% while talking with others, according to Deloitte surveys.

Clearly device habits often veer compulsive, with users admitting:

  • 80% check phones within 15 minutes of waking up
  • 60% do so just before bed
  • 44% feel “panicky” and “disconnected” when separated from devices
  • Such responses reveal our tremendous dependence on devices for mood altering and stimulation. Like slot machine pull handles, screens supply variable rewards via notifications to keep us perpetually engaged. Seeking relief from boredom or anxiety? Just open that irresistible pandora’s box tempting your leg pocket.

But what do we sacrifice each time our reflexive tap redirects focus? Every distraction-filled scroll unravels moments as they pass by unnoticed. Overconsumption supplants life’s subtler joys. Have we consigned presence itself to pale in pixels’ hazy glow?

The Seductive Lure of Escapism

Why do we readily plunge attention into screens? The appeal is instant escape. Stress about work deadlines or relationship problems vanishes when mentally checked out watching videos. But relief earned by sidestepping reality only works temporarily.

And consistent avoidance breeds personal consequences. Studies link excessive smartphone and social media use to higher anxiety, isolation, depression, sleep loss and hostility. Ironically we seek social connection but digital dependence pushes people apart.

Still the siren call of screens perpetually lures eyes astray. Media masters design interfaces intentionally grabbing limited attention spans. “Space out on Snapchat” or “Veg out on Netflix” draw users aiming specifically to numb out. Little do we realize these media snacks often leave us feeling empty.

Transitioning device engagement from unconscious reflex toward intentional entertainment choice remains key. We might retain power by pausing to ask before tapping each icon: How will this device time improve my life or connect me to what matters? Does scrolling here align with my values and goals? Or have I slipped into avoidance mode?

Presence in the Age of Distraction The remedy to reckless digital distraction swells distinctly low-tech and free. We must merely lift gaze from glow toward living and breathing exchanges. Yet the reorientation process challenges brains rewired for constant content.

Attending a concert or lecture, notice how habit tugs concentration toward text messages and notifications. Then consciously put devices away to fully engage your underutilized senses. Absorb music vibrations, scents of grass underfoot, feeling of sun on skin.

Studies confirm being present amplifies happiness, while passive viewing or mindless shopping does not. Attentive conversations outperform distracted chatter in bonding connection. You’ll better retain information learned without screens dividing mental energy.

Life Unplugged Of course screens offer legitimate upsides. Video calls connect distant loved ones. Filtered photos caption milestones to cherish. Playlists pep repetitive tasks.

The solution isn’t banning all technology but establishing sacred spaces and stretches device-free. Define phone-free locations or activities aligned with your values, like family dinner tables. Schedule technology fasts resetting your baseline, even for single weekday mornings.

Savor meal prep and taste sensations rather than filling downtime with closed-off headphones. Unplug for walks immersed in nature, not seeking Instagram backdrops. Host friends for real conversation, not just parallel video streaming. Rediscover activities that light you up creatively offline.

The Way Forward With intention, we can let devices serve us optimally while securing presence-filled breaks. The goal isn’t perfection but incremental improvement curtailing consumption for connection.

Consider tools like app timers if you struggle self-monitoring usage. Turn off pointless push notifications clearing mental clutter. Designate tech-free zones in your home to keep sacred. Start small but start somewhere.

Model mindful device management for kids too, restricting access under certain ages. Demonstrate deep presence while playing, not scrolling sidelines. Nudge outdoor adventures unplugged. Show technology on phones pales next to life happening right in front of us.

By lifting gaze momentarily, you might perceive profound beauty awaiting eyes adjusted from LED glare. Mindfulness positions us to fully participate, not just observe passively. Each sense can spark revelation when untethered from cords and online opinion.

Stillness gifts perspective otherwise missed. Realizing life happens now, will you meet it? The option awaits your next upward glance.

Let’s talk about something that’s rarely sugar-coated: living with a partner who grapples with anxiety, depression, PTSD, and more. Yep, it sucks, and that’s the plain truth. But let’s dive into this harsh reality and find the nuggets of wisdom in the mess. As the saying goes,

“The only zen you’re going to find at the top of the mountain is the zen you bring up there with you.”

Reality Check #1: It’s Not a Walk in the Park

Living with a partner who faces these challenges is like a rollercoaster through the darkest tunnel. It’s not a smooth ride, and sometimes it feels like you’re navigating blindfolded. Anxiety, depression, and PTSD are not easy foes. It’s frustrating, exhausting, and downright hard.

Reality Check #2: You Can’t Fix Them

Here’s a tough pill to swallow: you can’t fix your partner. No amount of love, understanding, or patience can magically make their struggles disappear. They’re on their own journey, and you’re a supporter, not a savior.

Reality Check #3: Your Feelings Matter Too

In the midst of all the chaos, your feelings matter. Don’t bottle them up. It’s okay to feel overwhelmed, angry, and even resentful at times. Acknowledge your emotions, but find healthy ways to deal with them. Bottling up won’t help anyone.

Reality Check #4: Communication is Everything

Open, honest communication is your lifeline. Talk to your partner. Ask them how they’re feeling. Listen without judgment. Let them know you’re there. And, hey, don’t forget to tell them how you’re doing, too. Sharing your concerns and feelings can be therapeutic for both of you.

Reality Check #5: It’s a Rollercoaster, Not a Steady Climb

Progress isn’t a straight line. Your partner’s mental health journey is a rollercoaster with ups and downs. One day, they might be okay, the next, they’re not. Remember that healing isn’t linear, and setbacks are a part of the process.

Reality Check #6: Self-Care is Not Selfish

Don’t neglect yourself. It’s easy to get lost in your partner’s struggles, but remember to take care of your own well-being. Self-care is not selfish; it’s essential. Go for a run, read a book, or talk to a therapist. You can’t support your partner effectively if you’re running on empty.

Reality Check #7: Seek Support

You don’t have to go through this alone. Reach out to friends, family, or support groups. Talking to people who understand your situation can provide relief and new insights.

Reality Check #8: Tough Love and Boundaries

Sometimes, tough love is necessary. Set boundaries, and don’t enable harmful behaviors. Your partner needs to take responsibility for their actions. It’s a tricky balance, but it’s essential.

Reality Check #9: Celebrate Small Wins

In the midst of the darkness, celebrate every small victory. Did your partner get out of bed today? That’s a win. Did they attend a therapy session? Another win. Acknowledging progress, no matter how small, can boost morale.

Reality Check #10: Love Matters

Despite all the challenges, love is the glue that holds you two together. Remember why you fell in love in the first place. Your partner’s mental health challenges don’t define them entirely. They’re still the person you love, and they need your love and support more than ever.

You’re in This Together

Living with a partner dealing with anxiety, depression, PTSD, and more is far from easy. It’s a journey filled with hardships and frustrations. But it’s also a journey that can bring you closer and teach you the true meaning of empathy and resilience. As you navigate the peaks and valleys, remember,

“The only zen you’re going to find at the top of the mountain is the zen you bring up there with you.”

So, bring patience, love, and understanding to your relationship, and you just might find the strength to overcome the toughest challenges together.

Do familiar doubts like “I’m not good enough” or “I’m going to fail” ever hold you back from pursuing your biggest goals and dreams? You’re not alone. Imposter syndrome, negative self-talk and fear of failure are common confidence killers.

The temptation is to try boosting confidence through empty hype and affirmations – just telling yourself you’ve got this! But true confidence is not built through words alone. As the saying goes:

“You don’t become confident by shouting affirmations in the mirror, but by having a stack of undeniable proof that you are who you say you are.”

Lasting confidence comes from tangible evidence that you can handle challenges, back up your talk with action, and achieve the goals you set. It develops by repeatedly facing doubts head on.

True self-belief is forged in experience – by venturing past comfort zones, learning from failures, and accumulating small wins. Each courageous act creates positive momentum, slowly transforming uncertainty into an unstoppable state of confidence.

Start Small

Massive goals feel intimidating. People who lack self-belief easily give up, assuming they could never accomplish something so big. But you can build confidence in your abilities incrementally.

Start by setting a small, achievable goal slightly outside your current abilities – something that makes you a little uncomfortable but is still within reach. Completing that modest goal proves to yourself that you can learn, improve, and succeed. Celebrate that first win!

Each small accomplishment builds your confidence muscle a little more. Build up gradually from there, setting slightly bigger goals that stretch you each time. Eventually those huge dreams don’t seem so impossible. By scaling up in progressive steps, you gather tangible evidence that your expanding capacities can handle more.

Focus on Progress Over Perfection

Don’t fall into the trap of comparing yourself to masters in your field or expecting flawless results. Remind yourself that confidence comes from your unique journey of progress, not other people’s highlight reels. Be patient and proud of incremental improvements.

Developing real competence takes time and practice. Trust the process rather than judging yourself for not being perfect. Fumbling is part of building new skills. Setbacks teach you how to course-correct. You’re collecting proof that you have what it takes to get back up and try again.

Eventually self-doubt is replaced by self-assurance gained through experience. Old fears seems laughable. You know deep down you can figure challenges out because you’ve expanded your abilities one practice session at a time.

Rewire Your Self-Talk

The voice inside your head holds great power over your confidence. Shut down corrosive inner criticisms like “I can’t do this” or “I’m going to fail.” Replace doubt with supportive messages and celebrate every step in the right direction.

Silence the inner critic by treating yourself with the kindness and compassion you would show a good friend. Hype yourself up sincerely. Find genuine sources of pride in your progress rather than putting yourself down.

Surround yourself with people who speak encouragingly about your abilities, so your inner voice echoes those positive messages. You set the tone, so make your self-talk build you up, not tear you down.

Take Action Before Confidence Strikes

Here’s the secret: you don’t have to wait until you feel 100% self-assured to take action. Those perfect confident feelings may never arrive. So do it afraid! Boldly take risks and accept challenges before certainty hits.

Confidence is a byproduct of courageous action. You become self-assured in the process of expanding your abilities through doing. Don’t overthink it – dive in! The more leaps you take, the more your competence grows to back up attempts at new things.

Fake confidence until it becomes real. With practice, acting decisive and brave starts to feel natural. Soon imposter syndrome is replaced by authentic self-belief earned through experience. You’ll realize the confidence was in you all along.

Visualize Succeeding

Your mind believes what you repeatedly tell it. That’s why visualizing future success is so powerful. Vividly imagine yourself handling challenges calmly, nailing presentations, excelling in your creative pursuits. Make success feel familiar.

Mental rehearsal builds neural pathways in your brain, making competence feel natural. Visualize confronting old doubts and fears with total confidence in your abilities. See yourself responding resiliently to setbacks. Make images as realistic as possible. It truly sinks in.

Regular visualization reduces stress and makes confidence feel automatic when the actual moment arises. You prime yourself mentally to shine by acting as if you already have that bold self-trust. Visualizing success becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Build Your “Confidence Portfolio”

Reflect often on how far you’ve come. Make a portfolio of “confidence proof” documenting all you have achieved and obstacles you’ve overcome. Revisit it when doubts surface. Those past wins offer irrefutable evidence that you have what it takes.

Update this self-confidence portfolio regularly with new milestones, progress photos, testimonials, certificates. Tangible proof of expanding abilities builds certainty you’ve got this. Watch your confidence steadily grow as your portfolio grows.

By consistently acting before ready, doubting yourself less, and celebrating small wins, you accumulate powerful evidence of your capabilities over time. Eventually imposter syndrome is replaced with grounded self-knowledge. You’ve done the work; the proof is undeniable!

Owning Your Abilities

Moving from self-doubt to self-confidence requires retraining your thoughts and pushing past comfort zones. But gradually, your competence catches up to bold action, resulting in tangible confidence – not empty hype.

You realize confidence was available all along through courageous risks and perseverance. By stepping up consistently despite fear, you own your abilities in your heart, not just your head. You start to live as the person you secretly hoped to become but doubted you could be.

Your mindset shifts from “I can’t do this” to “I did this!” Each small act of faith in yourself stacks up, forcing your self-belief to grow. Suddenly imposter syndrome is replaced by proven confidence.

So the next time self-doubt arises, remember your power: you can outwork fear through determined action. Build confidence through real-world proof. Keep conquering uncertainties and trust yourself to reach incredible heights. You’ve got this!